Certified Arborist in South Florida

Seagrape and Mangrove Pruning Services

Enhance your coastal landscape with our expert Seagrape and Mangrove Pruning Services, ensuring environmental compliance and aesthetic appeal.

Get your free service estimate today!

GET A FREE QUOTE: (954) 957-9450


Consistently Rated the Highest For Customer Satisfaction


Lic #: FL-10250A

International society of arboriculture member logo real tree trimming and landscaping inc
International society of arboriculture certified arborist logo real tree trimming and landscaping inc
Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc. Certified Tree worker ISA Logo

Licensed Professional Mangrove Trimmers (PMT)

Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc. is proud to be recognized as a Licensed Professional Mangrove Trimmer (PMT) in the state of Florida, a credential that distinguishes our team’s proficiency and commitment to maintaining the delicate balance of Florida's unique coastal ecosystems.

The PMT certification is more than just a license; it symbolizes our in-depth understanding of the diverse species of mangroves, their ecological importance, and the stringent regulations surrounding their maintenance.

Holding this certification, Real Tree is authorized to assess, trim, and manage mangrove trees, ensuring that all actions are conducted responsibly and under state rules, which are designed to protect these critical habitats.

Our work aids in preserving mangroves' as well as seagrapes' contribution to coastline stabilization, and storm protection, and serving as a nurturing ground for marine life while observing the equilibrium between natural preservation and visual landscape preferences.

Whether you are a homeowner, property manager, or landowner who values the integrity and resilience of Florida's coastal ecosystems, our PMT services provide a safe, convenient, and professional approach to maintaining your mangroves.

Real Tree Trimming and Landscaping Licensed Professional Mangrove Trimmer

Mangrove Trimming Rules

Mangroves are protected under Florida law due to their critical role in coastal ecosystems. Thus, trimming mangroves requires adherence to strict regulations.

Generally, the trimming must maintain a canopy height of at least six feet for dwarf mangroves, with other species necessitating consultation with experts. Alterations to the roots are prohibited, as they are crucial for the mangrove's stability and the ecosystem's health.

Permits are often required for any significant trimming, and professionals must conduct the work to ensure minimal impact on the environment. Careful considerations such as the timing of trimming activities are also essential to avoid disrupting wildlife breeding seasons. Violations of mangrove trimming rules can result in substantial penalties.

Seagrape Trimming Rules

Seagrapes, like mangroves, contribute significantly to the preservation of Florida's coastline. When trimming seagrapes, it's important to follow guidelines that promote plant health and ensure continued protection against erosion.

Trimming must be done with precision to maintain the natural canopy shape and is limited to once per year during the non-nesting seasons to safeguard local wildlife.

A permit may be required, particularly for larger trimming projects or when located within public or environmentally sensitive lands.

Seagrasses must not be pruned below the minimum height of six feet in most communities to maintain their efficacy as a natural dune stabilizer, and clippings should be disposed of responsibly to prevent environmental damage.

seagrape fruits

We Do Mangrove Assessments

Do you have mangroves on your property?

Are you thinking about purchasing a property with mangroves or seagrapes on it?

Our Licensed Professional Mangrove Trimmers can assess the growth and give you advice on how much trimming can be done.

Call our friendly team today, and we’ll get you booked in. (954) 957-9540

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