License #: FL-6129A
Need an Arborist to consult on your trees? Whether it's for your City, your HOA board, or yourself, our ISA Certified Arborists can help.
Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc is a committed advisor in tree-related issues for our clients.
With our arborists' expertise, we help our clients mitigate problems, conserve resources, save time, and gain valuable, reliable information regarding the trees on their residential or commercial property.
Our arborists are certified by the ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) and members of the ACSA (American Society of Consulting Arborists).
When working with Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc you can be assured that you are receiving guidance from reliable tree care professionals.
For reliable, ISA-certified arborist services in South Florida, give us a call today. (954) 957-9540
Lic #: FL-6129A
Whatever your situation, our ISA Arborists can help. We have been arborist consulting in South Florida for many years, and have seen all types of situations.
Leverage our years of experience, and get expert tree guidance for your unique situation. Call today to speak with our experienced, certified arborist.
Our ISA-certified arborist can provide you with a detailed arborist report, no matter the situation. We have many years of experience and are certified by the International Society of Aboriculture. Our reports are always well-received by the various cities in Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc's ISA certified arborists can compile arborist reports for your project in South Florida, including planting plans, risk mitigation plans, construction protection plans, and plans for ongoing care of the trees on your property. We can assist and guide you through County and Municipal tree regulations, ensuring your project is completed on budget, and on time.
Our ISA-certified arborists can consult, plan, write arborist reports, guide you through the regulatory process, and give legal testimony about the condition or issues concerning the trees on your Broward or Palm Beach County property.
Tree appraisals are required in Fort Lauderdale, and anywhere in Broward County when the tree to be removed is considered a "specimen tree". The Tree Preservation Code in Broward County, FL defines a Specimen Tree as “A tree that is 18 inches in diameter or larger with specimen quality.” When a tree is not a Specimen Tree, the mitigation required is to match the canopy area removed with the new canopy area, by planting new trees.
The Broward County Tree Preservation Program is an excellent resource for more detailed information on removing and pruning trees in Broward County.
Whatever your case, we can guide you through the process. We have been arborist consulting in Broward County, and Palm Beach County for 11 years.
Give our friendly team a call, and our ISA-certified arborist can answer any questions you might have.
(954) 957-9540
Many Cities in Broward and Palm Beach Counties are now allowing the removal of trees without a permit if the tree is deemed unwell by a qualified arborist.
Our ISA certified arborist will complete their assessment and write an official letter to your city, stating the outcome of their assessment, and recommendations. If the recommendation is to remove the tree completely, this can be done without a permit, based on the experience of our arborist.
If you have a tree that you think is unwell, and may be beyond saving, give our experienced arborist a call today. Our tree assessments are affordable, thorough, and can save you time and money in the long run. Chat with us today: (954) 957-9540
Certain steps are required to be taken to ensure that trees are not damaged during construction activities. These include installation and maintenance of highly visible tree protection barriers and conducting onsite pre-construction meetings to go over tree protection-related issues.
We have consulted on many construction sites where notable trees were required to be protected. Pictured here are our consulting efforts at Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale. The large and iconic Banyan Tree was required to be protected. We leveraged our arboriculture experience, combined with our extensive range of heavy equipment to ensure the safety and protection of this tree during major construction.
If you have specimen trees on your construction site that require an ISA Arborist to report and consult on, we can help. Call today on:
(954) 957-9540
Above are the cities we do the most arborist consulting in. However, we are certified to provide arborist reports all over South Florida. If you need arborist services anywhere in Palm Beach County, or Broward County, we can help. (954) 957-9540
Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc works with home builders, property managers, HOAs, and property developers to help navigate the challenges associated with tree management in South Florida.
No matter where in South Florida, we leverage the expertise of our team to deliver reliable arboriculture consulting that you can trust.
Call us today to discuss your specific needs.
(954) 957-9540
ISA Certified Arborists. Licensed, Insured and Bonded.
Providing the Highest Quality Tree Services to South Florida since 1993.
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| Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping, Inc